



泉源:/ 宣布时间:日期:2024-05-17 0


Tracer line: also known as smoke line, defined as the line formed by all fluid particles passing through the same location at a certain moment. If we continuously release smoke or ink that does not consider mass at a certain point in the flow field, then the line formed by the smoke and ink emitted at the same point at a certain moment is called a tracer line.

  流线:沿着流场质点速率矢量相切的偏向形成的连线。以是流线上恣意一点切线的偏向,就代表了外地流体质点的速率偏向。流线的希罕的地方,流场速率小,流线麋集的地方,流场的速率大。并且,每一条流线上的速率和压力的关系,都知足伯努利方程。 凭证界说,我们可得知,流场内恣意两条流线都不会相交,由于统一个流体质点不可能同时具有两个差别的运动偏向。记得读流体力学书时,为了加深对流线的明确,先生告诉我们:每一条流线,都可以看作一堵可以自由滑移的壁面,流体可以贴着壁面流动、而不会穿过;这样诠释流线,形象而生动。


Streamline: a line formed along the direction of tangent to the velocity vector of a particle in the flow field. So the direction of the tangent at any point on the streamline represents the velocity direction of the local fluid particles. In areas with sparse streamlines, the velocity of the flow field is low, while in areas with dense streamlines, the velocity of the flow field is high. Moreover, the relationship between velocity and pressure on each streamline satisfies the Bernoulli equation. According to the definition, we can know that no two streamlines in the flow field will intersect, because the same fluid particle cannot have two different directions of motion at the same time. Remember when reading a book on fluid mechanics, in order to deepen our understanding of streamline, the teacher told us that each streamline can be seen as a wall that can slide freely, and fluid can flow against the wall without passing through it; Explaining the streamline in this way is vivid and vivid.


According to the definition of streamline, we can also derive a flow tube. Imagine if the streamline starts from a closed loop in the flow field, and as the streamline continues to develop backwards, new closed loops will emerge. The surface formed by these loops is called a flow tube. Similarly, flow pipes act like walls, separating the fluid inside and outside the pipe without penetrating.


Trace: The trajectory formed by the spatial position of fluid particles over time. So the trace actually describes the result of flow field information over a period of time. It records the changes in the spatial position of tracked particles at different times.

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