



泉源:/ 宣布时间:日期:2024-07-25 0

  蹊径旁的黄色标记桩 体积小,作用大

  The yellow sign post next to the road has a small volume and a large effect

  当你开车在蹊径上行驶,你有没有注重到,路旁每距离一段距离就会泛起一个黄色的小柱子 。这些小柱子是什么呢?为什么会泛起在蹊径旁呢?今天,就带各人走到燃气管道标记桩厂家巡线员的身边,一起揭开这些标记桩背后的神秘 。

  When you are driving on the road, have you noticed that a yellow pillar appears at intervals along the roadside. What are these small pillars? Why does it appear on the roadside? Today, we will take you to the side of the inspector from the gas pipeline marker post manufacturer and uncover the secrets behind these marker posts together.20220621034055991

  这些黄色的小柱子,有它专属的名字,“燃气管道标记桩”,别看它立在路旁不起眼,其中的学问却大得很 。

  These yellow pillars have their own unique name, 'Gas Pipeline Sign Posts'. Although they may not stand out on the roadside, the knowledge behind them is enormous.


  What does a marker post look like?

  燃气管道标记桩是在燃气管道上设置的警示标记,用于警示施工单位“下方有自然气管道、严禁开挖” 。一样平常装置在燃气管道的正上方,或者在相对距离较近的路边绿化带内 。

  Gas pipeline marker posts are safety warning signs set up on gas pipelines to warn construction units that "there is a natural gas pipeline below, excavation is strictly prohibited". Generally installed directly above the gas pipeline or within a relatively close roadside green belt.

  标记桩颜色为黄色,装置间距一样平常为40米,在地面平展、视碍少、管蹊径由顺直的情形下,间距略大于50米,事故多发地段间距会适当缩短 。

  The color of the marker post is yellow, and the installation spacing is generally 40 meters. In the case of flat ground, less obstruction, and straight pipeline routing, the spacing is slightly greater than 50 meters, and the spacing in accident prone areas will be appropriately shortened.


  What are the functions of marker posts?

  1、起到提醒施工队或小我私家周围有燃气管道,榨取随意乱挖,以免破损燃气管道,导致事故爆发 。

  1. To remind construction teams or individuals that there are gas pipelines nearby and to prohibit random excavation to avoid damaging the gas pipelines and causing accidents.

  2、便于巡线员按期开展巡查巡检事情 。

  2. Facilitate regular patrols and inspections by line inspectors.

  3、若是有市民发明地下埋设的管道有被损坏时,可以实时拨打标记桩上的电话,通知管道所属燃气公司,阻止危险事故的爆发 。

  3. If citizens discover that underground pipelines have been damaged, they can promptly call the number on the marker post to notify the gas company to which the pipeline belongs, in order to avoid dangerous accidents.


  What is marked on the signpost?


  Clearly printed on the yellow marker post:


  Wuhai Kaijie Gas Co., Ltd


  Natural gas pipeline, excavation strictly prohibited

  “6985777”几项内容 。

  Several contents of "6985777".

  利便快速识别管道所属燃气公司、警示内容及抢修电话 。

  Convenient and quick identification of the gas company to which the pipeline belongs, warning content, and repair hotline.


  What should I do if the marker post is dirty or damaged?

  由于过往车辆繁多,标记桩上会沾染土壤,加上降雨、降雪,标记桩外貌会形成泥污 。巡线员会对标记桩举行按期巡检,发明有泥污会实时整理  ;发明标记桩破损,会实时维修、替换 。

  Due to the large number of passing vehicles, the sign post may be contaminated with soil, and coupled with rainfall and snowfall, the surface of the sign post may form mud stains. The patrol officer will conduct regular inspections of the marker posts and promptly clean up any mud and dirt found; If the marker post is found to be damaged, it will be repaired and replaced in a timely manner.


  Why can't some road sections see sign posts?

  1、由于路边绿化带的阻隔,导致在绿化带内的标记桩无法看清,走出茂密的绿化带就可以看到 。

  1. Due to the obstruction of the roadside green belt, the sign posts inside the green belt cannot be seen clearly, but can be seen just outside the dense green belt.

  2、部分担道建设在硬化路面下,装置标记桩会影响通行,因此在这些路段会装置标记贴,粘贴在路面上,起到与标记桩相同的作用 。

  2. Some pipelines are constructed under hardened road surfaces, and the installation of sign posts will affect traffic. Therefore, sign stickers will be installed on these sections and pasted on the road surface, playing the same role as sign posts.


  Life is full of knowledge, seemingly insignificant landmarks, but they are related to the safety of each and every one of us. Do you understand, my friends?

  本文由 燃气管道标记桩   友情贡献.更多有关的知识请点击     真诚的态度.为您提供为的效劳.更多有关的知识我们将会陆续向各人贡献.敬请期待.

  This article is a friendly contribution from gas pipeline marker posts. For more related knowledge, please click Sincere attitude. We provide you with comprehensive services. We will gradually contribute more relevant knowledge to everyone. Please stay tuned

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