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泉源:/ 宣布时间:日期:2024-06-06 0

燃气管道标记桩的埋设是自然气公司一项主要工程 ,所埋设的管线包括标记桩处管线和所有新建的自然气管线 ,并且这项工程对公司自然气的正常运行治理有着极其主要的意义。之前的自然气管线虽然埋设有标记桩 ,由于间距大、标识不清晰 ,让人很难区分出下面埋设的是自然气管线 ,在今年开春的施工旺季 ,一些施工步队经常挖破了自然气管线 ,对公司自然气的正常投用爆发了倒运影响。

The burial of gas pipeline marker stakes is an important project for natural gas companies. The buried pipelines include the pipelines at the marker stakes and all newly built natural gas pipelines, and this project is of great significance for the normal operation and management of the company's natural gas. Although the previous natural gas pipeline was buried with marker stakes, due to the large spacing and unclear markings, it was difficult to distinguish which natural gas pipeline was buried below. During the peak construction season in spring this year, some construction teams often dug through the natural gas pipeline, which had a negative impact on the normal operation of the company's natural gas.


针对这一征象 ,公司加速了对旧自然气管线标记桩的刷新力度和新建自然气管线上标记桩的埋设速率。在制作标记桩时特殊注重选择自然气的标记性黄色 ,上面标有管道类型、公司名称、举报电话、管径和桩号 ,让人看到标记桩后就很清晰地下管线的埋设情形 ,同时通过举报电话让每个市民都可以加入到自然气管线的羁系中来。

In response to this phenomenon, the company has accelerated the renovation efforts of old natural gas pipeline marker piles and the burial speed of marker piles on new natural gas pipelines. When making marker stakes, special attention should be paid to selecting the iconic yellow color of natural gas, which is marked with the pipeline type, company name, reporting phone number, pipe diameter, and pile number. This allows people to clearly understand the buried situation of underground pipelines when they see the marker stakes. At the same time, through the reporting phone number, every citizen can participate in the supervision of natural gas pipelines.

燃气管道标记桩在自然管道中的应用通太过析照旧很是的主要的 ,若是自然气管道上方没有这些燃气标记桩的守护使者 ,那么随着时间的推移 ,人们将会遗忘此地下方埋设有燃气标记桩 ,一旦施工就会爆发燃气走漏、爆炸的危险 ,会增添这些隐患。总之一句话 ,自然气管道上方一定要设置燃气管道标记桩。

The application of gas pipeline marker piles in natural pipelines is still very important through analysis. If there is no guardian of these gas marker piles above the natural gas pipeline, over time, people will forget that there are gas marker piles buried below this place. Once construction is carried out, there is a risk of gas leakage and explosion, which will increase these hidden dangers. In short, gas pipeline markers must be installed above natural gas pipelines.

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